MTA English Courses

Social Sciences Technology Sciences 2024-2025 TENTATIVE SELECTION OF ENGLISH COURSES

S i nc e 1 9 9 4 , The Ac ademi c Co l l ege o f Te l Av i v - Ya f f o (MTA ) ha s e s t ab l i shed i t s e l f a s a l e ad i ng i ns t i t u t i on o f h i ghe r educ a t i on i n I s r a e l . I n s i x S choo l s , we have app r ox . 4 , 800 s t uden t s , pu r su i ng unde r g r adua t e and po s t g r adua t e deg r e e s . We a r e Loc a t ed a t t he he a r t o f Ya f f o , one o f I s r a e l ’ s mo s t v i b r an t mu l t i cu l t u r a l c i t i e s , one o f t he o l de s t c i t i e s i n t he wo r l d , and , j us t a s t ep away f r om t he c en t e r o f Te l Av i v . Behavioral Sciences Computer Sciences Information Systems Management & Economics Government & Society Nursing Sciences Our Schools

The School of Behavioral Sciences Offers a comprehensive program grounded in theoretical and methodological psychology within a smal l-classroom setting, the school has become the institution of choice for training mental health experts and practitioners whi le simultaneously promoting research in many significant areas of national importance. Students also benefit from integrated appl ied field training, which equips them with the knowledge and tools they need for further study, as wel l as for careers in the mental health field. The School of Computer Science Is a ground fusion of theoretical knowledge and exclusive opportunities to work alongside industry experts from multinationals l ike IBM, Microsoft, and Intel giving MTA students a significant advantage within a highly competitive sector, leading to the impressively high percentage of MTA graduates launching their startups or being headhunted by leading hi-tech companies. The School of Information Systems Prepares highly ski l led professionals to address permanently growing demands within the Israel i hi-tech industry. Its programs combine theoretical and practical , providing a unique environment for applying acquired knowledge in realworld projects. The School of Management & Economics Focuses on three interrelated aspects: teaching, research, and col laboration with the local and national business community, of which it is an integral part. Thanks to the faculty's professional expertise, the school has become a center for activities in numerous fields, such as entrepreneurship & innovation, finance, real estate, fami ly businesses, corporate governance, and impact management. The School of Government & Society Offers two unique programs for Bachelor's and Master's degrees. The B.A. program combines hands-on practical experience with broadbased theoretical studies in topics such as media studies, regulation, and digital governance. In this way, it aims to empower students with the advanced theoretical knowledge and pragmatic ski l ls they need for future success. The M.A. program qual ifies students to become experts in fami ly affairs, helping to improve fami l ies' qual ity of l ife in a variety of fields. The School of Nursing Sciences Emphasizes providing a multicultural education with programs targeting the Ultra-Orthodox Community and non B.S.N. academics. Aiming to give graduates the tools they need for success in a demanding, yet rewarding, work environment, the school combines rigorous theoretical and cl inical studies alongside practical training in leading hospitals, cl inics, and healthcare centers. These appl ied cl inical studies not only equip students with the ski l ls and infrastructure they need to provide services ranging from pediatric to geriatric care but also assist marginal ized people in the local community.

A s p a r t o f o u r i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y a p p r o a c h , t h e c o u r s e s h e r e a r e p r e s e n t e d i n t wo g e n e r a l c a t e g o r i e s : S o c i a l S c i e n c e s a n d T e c h n o l o g y S c i e n c e s . T h i s B r o c h u r e a ims t o p r o v i d e o u r p a r t n e r s w i t h a g e n e r a l i d e a o f t h e c o u r s e s o f f e r e d i n En g l i s h * *The fol lowing l i st might change . For any inqui ry or consul t ing , do not hes i tate to contact us at any t ime .

CONTENTS 1 . Soc ial Sc iences Bus iness Engl i sh in the Global Economy 6 Conf l i ct Resolut ion and Negot iat ion 6 Corporate Respons ibi l i ty - A Bus iness Perspect ive 6 Eco-Educat ional Entrepreneurship in the Start -Up Nat ion 7 Engl i sh Ski l l s for the 21st Century 7 Envi ronmental Awareness and Green Growth 8 Evidence-based l ie detect ion methods 8 Global izat ion and Organizat ions 9 Global izat ion of Finance 9 Impact Finance : Appl ied/Pragmat i c Impact Invest ing (Graduate Level ) 10 Intercul tural Communi cat ion 11 Introduct ion to Labor and Wel fare pol i c ies – Legal Perspect ives 11 Introduct ion to Pol i t i cal Anthropology 11 Living in Jaf fa : The Urban Exper ience 12 Management Processes and Organizat ional Analys i s 13 Pos i t ive Psychology and the Sc ience of Happiness 13 Poverty and the Structure of Unemployment 14 Soc iety, Economi cs and Pol i t i cs 14 Sustainable and Soc ial Economi cs 14 Team Creat ivi ty: Who learns how to create ideas , wins (Graduate Level ) 15 The biologi cal bas i s of psychopathology15 The Future i s Here : Innovat ion and Fores ight 15 Working 9 to 5 : Gender and Intersect ional analys i s to work 16 2 . Technology Sc iences Agi le Bus iness Development 17 Cyber Threats and The Modern Organizat ion 17 Get t ing Your Message Across : Engl i sh for Informat ion Systems (Graduate Level ) 18 Human-Computer Interact ion (HCI ) 18 Cryptography 18 Hacking Tech 19 Pr ivacy & Secur i ty in Medi cal Devi ces 19 The Modern Innovat ion: Process and Chal lenges (Graduate Level ) 19 Value Creat ion 19

SOCIAL SCIENCES Business English in the Global Economy | 4 ECTS | General Course T h i s c o u r s e w i l l a l l ow s t u d e n t s t o a c q u i r e f u n d ame n t a l E n g l i s h l a n g u a g e c ommu n i c a t i o n s k i l l s t h a t w i l l i mp r o v e t h e i r emp l o y a b i l i t y , b y i n t r o d u c i n g t h em t o p r o f e s s i o n a l a n d f o rma l b u s i n e s s t o o l s s u c h a s ema i l s , r e p o r t s , r e s ume w r i t i n g , a n d o r a l p r e s e n t a t i o n s i n s t r u c t u r e d b u s i n e s s e n v i r o nme n t s . Conflict Resolution and Negotiation | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics I n t h i s c l a s s , y o u w i l l d e v e l o p s k i l l s , k n ow l e d g e , a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h a t w i l l h e l p y o u ma n a g e a n d r e s o l v e c o n f l i c t c o n s t r u c t i v e l y , e s p e c i a l l y i n y o u r wo r k p l a c e . We w i l l e x p l o r e v a r i o u s t o p i c s i n c o n f l i c t r e s o l u t i o n s k i l l s , i n c l u d i n g h ow t o b e a t t e n t i v e t o t h e d i f f e r e n t s t y l e s p e o p l e u t i l i z e i n d e a l i n g w i t h c o n f l i c t . Mo r e o v e r , i n t h e c o u r s e , y o u w i l l e x p l o r e y o u r a p p r o a c h t o c o n f l i c t f o c u s i n g o n y o u r t h o u g h t s , f e e l i n g s , a n d r e s p o n s e s . Corporate Responsibility - A Business Perspective | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics T h e a p p l i c a t i o n o f e t h i c a l a n d r e s p o n s i b l e p r i n c i p l e s t o t h e wo r l d o f ma n a g eme n t e x am i n e s wh e t h e r a n d h ow b u s i n e s s o r g a n i z a t i o n s r e s p e c t t h e w i d e i n t e r e s t s o f t h e i r s o c i e t y b y t a k i n g r e s p o n s i b i l i t y a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e i r i n f l u e n c e o n c e n t r a l s i g n i f i c a n t s t a k e h o l d e r s . L a t e l y , we h a v e b e e n w i t n e s s i n g i n t e n s i v e i n q u i r y i n s c i e n t i f i c r e s e a r c h a s we l l a s t h e b u s i n e s s o n e , i n t o e t h i c a l a n d r e s p o n s i b l e b e h a v i o r o f b u s i n e s s o r g a n i z a t i o n s . On e o b v i o u s c o n c l u s i o n d e r i v i n g f r om t h i s i n q u i r y i s t h a t c omp a n i e s i d e n t i f i e d a s e t h i c a l a n d r e s p o n s i b l e , a c h i e v e g r e a t e r s u p p o r t f r om t h e i r s h a r e h o l d e r s a s we l l a s t h e g e n e r a l p u b l i c . F u r t h e rmo r e , b e h a v i n g e t h i c a l l y a n d r e s p o n s i b l y , b u s i n e s s - w i s e i s c o n s i d e r e d c r i t i c a l t o a c h i e v i n g b u s i n e s s l e g i t i ma c y wh i c h l e a d s , e v e n t u a l l y , t o b u s i n e s s e x c e l l e n c e a n d s u c c e s s . 6

Eco-Educational Entrepreneurship in the Start Up Nation | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics Eco-educational initiatives for the common good and socioecological welfare are becoming a compass, and source of hope and can be seen as a necessary practice for the transformation to the sustainable world. The global reality has changed profoundly in the last decades. Among the main reasons that can be mentioned: are climate change and its unpredicted consequences, growth of corporate governance, technological changes, growth of world population, urbanization, and extinction of the experience. This reality leads to challenges and complex chaotic problems as well as new opportunities at the local and global levels. Furthermore, the COVID-19 that broke out in the world at the end of 2019 reflects the need for new eco-social perception and perspective. This course is aiming to address the socio-ecological leadership path and enrich students with multidisciplinary thinking and practical skills in the field of eco-educational entrepreneurship. During the course, we will focus on the "eco-social" component in innovative educational enterprises which can increase resilience and systematic eco-welfare. We will explore theoretical and practical pedagogical implications for personal, community, and socio-ecological transformation, collective action, and deep-sustainable impact. English Skills for the 21rst Century | 4 ECTS | The School of Behavioral Sciences This course is designed to develop student English language skills for professional contexts in their future careers. The structure of the lessons will enable "student-led learning" and in each unit, a different language skill will be practiced: for example, presentations for different audiences (managers, colleagues, clients, etc.), communication and discussion skills (in an office, multicultural and online environment, etc.), professional writing (official email, letter to a newspaper editor, etc.), and other soft skills such as active listening, teamwork, and more. The content and structure of the course involve real-world activities to create real-world impact online and offline. Students will approach various social, academic, professional, or personal issues that they care about and engage with them collectively and individually. In addition, a critical lens will guide the students' work and explorations. 7

Environmental Awareness and Green Growth | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics The course deals with different aspects and implications of *green growth. It will provide a theoretical framework and hands-on green growth policies and indicators. During this period, existing policies and solutions will be discussed. The participants will learn about climate change ‘s impact on human well-being, prosperity, and natural environments and how governments cope with these effects through mitigation and green growth strategies. All this while giving the students applied tools for analyzing issues of sustainability and green growth. Emphasis will be placed on case studies from Israel and Europe. Evidence-based lie detection methods | 4 ECTS | The School of Behavioral Sciences Many myths, not scientifically based or validated, and numerous intuitive but incorrect "urban legends" can be found in deception detection indicators and methods. In addition, individuals and organizations often encounter people who present themselves as experts in detecting lies or have very accurate methods and indicators. However, a scientific-empirical examination of them shows that they have no scientific validity, either because these methods have not been scientifically tested or they have been tested and found to lack scientific validity, in that they do not empirically distinguish between truth-tellers and lie-tellers. On the other hand, since the fifties of the last century, a psychological research endeavor has begun to develop and validate scientifically based methods for detecting lies derived from psychological theories from various fields such as the psychology of emotions, motivation, social psychology, and cognitive psychology. We will introduce the field and its historical origins at the beginning of the course. Then, we will review some invalid lie detection indicators and methods and debunk some common but incorrect myths in the field. The course's central part will focus on valid methods and indicators for detecting lies, as current research shows. We will present, demonstrate, and practice the Forced Choice Test (FCT) questionnaire method. We will present the polygraph test with its various protocols. We will review textual-verbal methods, such as the CBCA method for detecting lies. The course's last lessons will discuss the paradigm shift in the field in the last twenty years, focusing on the newest, most promising, and most accurate methods for detecting lies - Cognitive Credibility Assessment (CCA). 8

Globalization and Organizations | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics The course aims to introduce students to theoretical and practical questions related to global organizations, in particular the difficulties of managing global organizations (and distributed teams), making decisions that affect a global workforce, the challenges of dealing with a diverse workforce, and how technology facilitates and constrains global work. Finally, we will discuss the solutions organizations have found to make global work easier. Globalization of Finance | 4 ECTS |The School of Management & Economics During the last four decades, the international monetary and financial system has undergone a radical transformation, often referred to as financialization or financial globalization. The change manifested in the rapid growth of financial assets and the expansion of various types of cross-border capital flows. This process has affected domestic economies in the global North and South, influenced how nations govern their domestic economies, impacted the stability of the global economic system, and shaped the global hierarchies of power. The purpose of the seminar is to explore several aspects of this trend. There are several perspectives from which one can study the globalization of finance: a purely economic perspective, a sociological perspective, or a historical perspective. In this seminar, we will seek to link the theories of money—the mainstream and the heterodox (Post-Keynesian) with International Political Economic (IPE) theories as well as Comparative Political Economy (CPE) theories. After setting the stage in the first two lectures, we will discuss the theories of money and IPE theories of global finance. In this context, we will learn about the recent debates between the mainstream and post-Keynesian approaches to money, banking, and finance. 9

Then, we will discuss the implications of these debates for the dynamics of global finance, the drivers of the process, and the stakeholders. The second topic is the external/domestic nexus. We will discuss the mechanisms through which global financial flows and the global monetary and financial system affect domestic policies, institutions, and economic regimes. We will first learn about the politics of the balance of payments, and then the impact of financialization on the growth of nations. The third topic is central banking and the governance of finance at the domestic and global levels. Currently, central banks are the single most powerful actors governing the monetary and financial systems. After discussing the types of instability and crises capitalist economies are prone to, we will discuss the various measures that central banks—and nations—take to maintain stability. Accordingly, we will learn about the theory of the practice of monetary policy, the politics of central banks, and the goals and barriers to international monetary and financial cooperation. Included in this category is global financial governance. We will conclude the seminar with the topic of monetary and financial power. Within this topic, we will seek a synthesis between theories of money and IR theories of intergovernmental power. Within this context, we will examine the hypotheses of US hegemony and the counterhypothesis about America’s declining monetary and financial power. We will also discuss the European integration process as a financial warfare maneuver. The seminar is designed for students interested in international political economy and comparative political economy. It does not assume prior knowledge of economics, but it does assume an interest in the topic. Throughout the seminar, students will be encouraged to follow the news and bring events and trends to be discussed and analyzed in class. Impact Finance: Applied/Pragmatic Impact | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics (Graduate Level) This course will introduce students to Impact Investments and analyze the many forms in which they manifest. We will study how they’re differentiated from ordinary/regular investments, both in terms of structure and returns. Impact Investments are the subject of increased focus on the part of the investment community, while a new suite of metrics is being developed to measure Impact. Structured products & funds with Impact components are being widely created. This course will develop a deep understanding of these forms. 10

Intercultural Communication | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics In this class, you will develop skills, knowledge, and understanding that will help you communicate and engage more effectively in intercultural contexts. We will explore various topics in intercultural communication and will practice intercultural learning processes that you can apply when working across differences in a wide variety of contexts. By participating in this course, you will: Increase your selfawareness, particularly your cultural self-awareness. Develop a deeper understanding of the field of intercultural communication and intercultural concepts/theories. Increase your ability to engage effectively and positively in intercultural interactions and manage intercultural conflicts. Introduction to Labor and welfare policies – Legal Perspectives | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics Labor and welfare policies define and regulate the rights provided to employees in the labor market. Employment policies are aimed to protect workers from social risks that may occur throughout a lifespan either during employment or after retirement. This course will introduce students to the theories and practices of labor and social policies in Israel and Germany from a legal perspective. The course is designed to provide an in-depth familiarity and understanding of the basic concepts underlying labor policies and social rights, with an emphasis on workers’ rights in Israel and Germany. Introduction to Political Anthropology | 4 ECTS | The School of Government & Society The course 'Political Anthropology' focuses on one of the discipline's sub-areas of study. In this course, we shall study what is political anthropology, its evolvement, and the main topics it covers such as the state, nationalism colonialism, postcolonialism, and more. Throughout the course, we shall investigate the unique contribution of anthropology to those topics and the relevant theories and concepts employed. We shall also review, as examples, various political ethnographies from different geographical and cultural contexts. 11

Living in Jaffa: The Urban Experience | 4 ECTS | The School of Government & Society How do ordinary people live amidst a history of enmity? This course invites students on an urban journey into the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. For more than a century, the cities of Jaffa and Tel Aviv have been at the center of a struggle over territory and identity. Tel Aviv, the first Hebrew city, embodies the secular modernity of the Zionist project. Conversely, neighboring Jaffa, the “Bride of Palestine,” is often portrayed as a quaint oriental quarter, a run-down district that turned into a hotspot for gentrification. However, the history of the two cities is inextricably linked: Tel Aviv was founded in 1909 as a Jewish suburb of Arab Jaffa only to conquer its mother city during the 1948 war and annex it. The two cities were made into one municipality: Tel AvivJaffa. How is the hyphen between the cities made visible in everyday life? What are the limits of coexistence and when does violence break out? Bringing into conversation urban theory, social history, and ethnographic methods, students will explore a dramatic case study of cities that change the course of national history. 12

Management Processes and Organizational Analysis | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics Management processes and organizational analysis present an integrated approach to organizational concepts, management principles, philosophy, and theory in public and private organizations. The course is designed to help students develop insights into the potential impact of their behavior and the behavior of others on the functioning of an organization. For that purpose, the course addresses contemporary management challenges stemming from changing organizational structures, complex environmental conditions, new technological developments, and increasingly diverse workforces. It builds a theoretical background from which to analyze personal, group, and organizational behavior, and it develops analytical, communicational, organizational, and interpersonal skills useful to effective employers and managers. Positive Psychology and the Science of Happiness | 4 ECTS | The School of Behavioral Sciences There’s a misconception about positive psychology. Many believe that positive psychology is about being happy all the time as if it’s all sunshine and rainbows. But those of us who have studied and adopted positive psychology know that you aren’t going to be happy 100% of the time -- we’re only human. What positive psychology teaches us, is how to see the bright side of things and turn our problems into opportunities. It’s about focusing on the PROCESS -- simple practices that you can do to help you (and the people around you) not only to feel better, by also to become better. If you can shift your mindset to take a problem and turn it into an opportunity for growth and experience, it will build up a resilience that allows you to go through adversity and challenges in the future and not just survive but thrive. Positive psychology believes that being optimistic isn’t about being happy all the time. Instead, positive psychology is about being able to weather the storm so that the good stuff outweighs the bad. By adopting a growth mindset when facing life’s inevitable challenges, we build resilience and grit. When we adopt a positive spirit and see life as an ongoing journey, we become much more grateful for our lives, and we can focus on the process and take responsibility for our lives. Positive psychology principles also help us find information more easily, reach our goals faster, find more meaning and purpose in life, and build better relationships. So positive psychology is not just wearing rose-colored glasses all the time and ignoring reality. It is learning how to shift your perspective by doing something—big or small—that not only makes life look a little sunnier but helps people live fuller and braver lives. 13

Poverty and the Structure of Unemployment | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics The course deals with the socio-economic aspects of welfare state policy based on current data regarding the trends emerging in developed countries, including Israel. The course will focus on structural changes in the labor market and the effect of globalization on economic and social policy, especially while considering the impact on poverty, the labor market, and unemployment. The following issues will receive special attention: the mechanism of the labor market and the way it reduces poverty; productivity, education, and low wages for low-skilled workers; automation, digitalization, and the influence of technology. advancements on the labor market – threats and opportunities; codetermination and income inequality. Moreover, the course will address the latest developments following the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on labor relations and socio-economic policies. Society, Economics and Politics | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics Three major paradigms are known in the study of International political economy: Liberalism (the economic approach), Mercantilism (the state approach), and Marxism (the social approach). This course examines the current international system of trade and finance, the role of multinational corporations in it, and the politics of the resource curse. The social approach will dominate in this course, but it will be contrasted with the economic and state approaches. Special meetings will be devoted to the European and Israeli political economies and the relations between them. Sustainable and Social Economics | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics This course intends to present models and alternatives for business-oriented intervention in social processes. Additionally, the course will allow students to practically experiment, in various kinds of business entrepreneurship & management, according to social and sustainable logic. During the course, we will present the neo-liberal ethos that is embedded in the basis of the new economy - including the work cultures and management that derive from it. We shall compare between this ethos and other social and economic ideals. In this context, we will discuss the possibility of creating alternatives, mostly in light of global crisis events from recent years. During the course, we will be acquainted with a new phenomenon of business entrepreneurship, which is different than those we already know. We will try to understand its influence potential. We will learn about innovative financial tools and about social-business entrepreneurship as a strategy, which attempts to combine goals of social improvement with business development and management approaches - while aspiring to present an alternative to the wrongdoings of the capitalist system. Via the exposure to the practice of business entrepreneurship, we will examine if it is possible to implement existing business models, which aspire to maximize profit while facing complex social problems. 14

Additionally, we will ask if this strategy can attract investors with the same success rate as those for strictly for-profit initiatives. We will ask if a need is there to revise the funding or the investment mechanisms in social initiatives, and what should be done to change the social and economic agenda. In this course, we will present models, platforms, and innovative tools for business and financial intervention in social processes, as well as tools and models used for presenting solutions for social challenges. We will also get acquainted with obstacles that such interventions may face. The biological basis of psychopathology | 4 ECTS | The School of Behavioral Sciences The course is designed for students to acquire knowledge on the leading theories regarding the biological basis of major psychiatric disorders, including the biological systems related to major pathologies, biological targets for existing drugs, and the development of novel pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments. This is an exploratory course designed within the framework and principles of “self-directed learning”, an approach that emphasizes the responsibility of the individual student for their learning process. Students will select specific topics within the framework of the course, search for information, and bring it to class discussion where, as a group, we will try to gain an understanding of the subject matter. The role of the lecturer in this framework is at most to assist students serving as a knowledge base and as a moderator in class discussion. The Future is Here: Innovation and Foresight | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics As the pace of social, technological, economic, and environmental change increases – governments, businesses, and societies find it harder and harder to anticipate, understand, plan for, and create around this uncertainty. This course will introduce the students to the practice of future thinking, synthesize new ways of mapping possible futures, as well as identify potential barriers and opportunities. We will explore essential featuring skills, such as horizon scanning, trends identification, looking at weak signals, scenario development, and others. The students will then dive deeper into the thematic analysis of different domains, such as education, healthcare, mobility, heritage, economic security, labor market, or public policy – tackling the question “Are we ready for the future?”. Team Creativity: Who learns how to create Ideas, wins |4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics (Graduate Level) Ideas change the world. In this course, you will become an idea maker. Ideas are the engine behind everything, including branding social media, storytelling, influencer marketing, narratives, events, media relations, and all other communication. Ideas drive tech, business, culture, food, social activism, social change, academia, healthcare, government — even the successful corner of a shawarma. And the best ideas are created through teamwork. 15

Working 9 to 5: Gender and Intersectional analysis to work | 4 ECTS | The School of Management & Economics The course is an intersectional gender analytical framework of the work world in its broader context. Gender intersectional analyses are used for various practices, mainly for analyzing texts and textbooks and linking their content to their socio-political and identity contexts. We will look at working spaces, public spaces, streets to and from work, sculptures, and architecture as text. The course offers 3 walking tours, experiential learning workshops, and lectures that aim to raise questions regarding identity construction, political and social norms, and worker rights. This course is based on the Neocolonialist/ post-structural theory, which posits that discourse runs across local institutional sites, and texts construct human identities and actions. In addition, this framework draws from Bourdieu's sociology. Bourdieu believed texts symbolize power, carrying "cultural capital" when viewed as a more significant structural network of knowledge. Questioning a location's "cultural capital" and given ability challenges the status quo (Bourdieu,1992). Thus, the course intersectional gender framework uses tools to answer ongoing questions about systemic relations of class (social and economic), race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, gender, age, culture, and workers' rights in various workplaces. 16

TECHNOLOGY SCIENCES Agile Business Development | 4 ECTS | The School of Information Systems "Business Development" and "Agile" are complex and multidisciplinary terms that, despite their frequent use, are not always properly understood and interpreted. As part of the course, students will learn the basics of business development theory, and the principles of business development as an organizational process. In addition, course participants will learn the Agile approach and the context of the approach to business development, strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Finally, students will become familiar with the processes of defining and evaluating business models and will experience building business models for new ventures. The knowledge acquired in the course will serve its graduates as an introduction to understanding the business processes in the world of information systems. Cyber Threats and The Modern Organization | 4 ECTS |The School of Information Systems The course deals with cyberspace and focuses on challenges for the country, the organization, and the individual while emphasizing the existing threats in the modern era and the ways to confront them. The course will first examine basic concepts related to cyberspace, followed by an examination of the various actors and the threats they pose, at the levels of the state, the organization, and the individual. We will discuss the challenges facing the participants in cyberspace and the ways to confront them. Finally, we will summarize and try to draw the future concerning threats and challenges in cyberspace. 17

Getting Your Message Across: English for Information Systems | 4 ECTS | The School of Information Systems (Graduate Level) At the end of the course, students will be able to: analyze and summarize academic articles in the discipline, deliver an effective pitch, conduct an appropriate academic and professional online discussion, and produce a term paper in English in the content of a course in Information Systems. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) | 4 ECTS | The School of Information Systems The aim of the course is to learn the process of developing an information system interface focusing on two aspects: developing critical thinking for interface analysis, and execution capabilities for characterizing and designing an interface. In addition, the course aims to develop teamwork skills in international teams and English language speaking skills in the professional field. This is a 'User Interface Design for non-designers' course. It is a practical course, based on deep relationships with the local and global Hi-tech industry, and its Product Design methodologies. The course aims to provide students with the theoretical background to develop critical design thinking and to examine and design different interfaces. The course follows the Product Design Lifecycle so that students can experience the relevant methodologies of each stage. During the first quarter of the course, students will practice the research methodologies needed to define product requirements - user contextual inquiries, Stakeholder interviews, and Personas. The second quarter focuses on the practical aspects of design, namely Navigation, models of interaction, Information Architecture, and other elements of User Experience. The third quarter leads toward wireframe design, concept testing, and final Usability Testing of a working product. The last quarter expands students' horizons to different angles in the world of User Experience Design - such as Micro-copy, mobile design, and so on. Introduction to Cryptography | 4 ECTS | The School of Information Systems This course will focus on various aspects of information security, specifically applied cryptography. During this course, we will learn about the history of cryptography and its rationale, applied secure communication, types of encryptions, authentication, signatures, and general aspects of information security. We will also discuss current applications, protocols, standards, and policies. The focus of this course is on applied cryptography. 18

Hacking Tech | 4 ECTS | The School of Computer Sciences The course focuses on practical skills needed for successful integration in the global work environment in the disciplines of computer science and information systems. Privacy & Security in Medical Devices | 4 ECTS | The School of Information Systems Advances in digital communication and technologies have enhanced healthcare delivery and the quality of care. The adoption of wearable and implantable devices has changed current practices by way of supporting patient remote surveillance and monitoring. This course will provide an overview of wearable and implantable medical devices with a focus on privacy and information security. . Students will build a greater understanding of the challenges associated with remote monitoring, medical record coordination, protection of patient’s personal information, confidentiality, data processing, interoperability, data standards and regulation, and compliance. The course will incorporate a review of relevant clinical studies across a spectrum of devices. to change the social and economic agenda. In this course, we will present models, platforms, and innovative tools for business and financial intervention in social processes, as well as tools and models used for presenting solutions for social challenges. We will also get acquainted with obstacles that such interventions may face. The Modern Innovation: Process and Challenges | 4 ECTS | The School of Information Systems (Graduate Level) The course deals with a variety of topics related to modern innovation. The course will provide students with an understanding of basic concepts of innovation, strategic aspects of innovation, and principles of an innovative organization. At the end of the course, students will be familiar with the types of innovation, models, methods, and stages in the life cycle of innovation and will be able to identify the success factors for the innovation processes. Also, graduates of the course will understand innovation in the context of business strategy and apply the accumulated knowledge to analyze business cases and define business models. Value Creation | 4 ECTS | The School of Computer Sciences Students learn how to have an impact in their Arena. They map the Arena for their business venture. The Arena is used to design the product strategy, assess the value potential of opportunities, crystalize essential/killer features, and deliver the concept. Students gain a coherent toolkit for the diagnosis of organizational strengths and weaknesses, and the creative generation of options in the supply chain ARENA. Issues covered include a focus on applying the Pareto principle using the Ease/Value model, innovation funnel management, Kaizen, Six Sigma, and key performance indicators 19

Our Team Prof. Vered Holzmann, PhD Director of Research, Development, and Innovation +972 3 680 27 22 Roni Shefner Manager, The International Office +972 74 7275525 Deena Mesika Program Coordinator, The International Office +972 3 6802556 THE ACADEMIC COLLEGE OF TEL AVIV-YAFFO - International Office TEL: 972-3-6802722 EMAIL: RABENU YERUHAM ST. PO.BOX 8401, YAFFO 6818211 ISRAEL